Get Involved with Seattle Homeless Outreach

We are a 100% volunteer-run organization, and are powered by the wonderful people in our community.

Can't go on outreach? You can still help. There are lots of other ways to get involved.

Ways to Get Involved


Join us on outreach! Or help us with administrative tasks or grant writing.


SHO sponsors help us provide sandwiches, healthy snacks, coats, and more.

Partner With us

We partner with people and organizations throughout the Seattle area.

Volunteer Opportunities

We have volunteer opportunities for all ages and abilities.

Community Outreach Become an Outreach Volunteer

Come volunteer on outreach!

Volunteers must be 21+ because of the sensitivity of our work. For Seattle outreach, we meet starting at 7 a.m. every second Saturday of the month year-round, and every fourth Saturday of the month during winter. For Tacoma, we meet every 3rd Sunday of the month starting at 9 a.m.

Events and Fundraising Put the “Fun” in Fundraising

Are you great at planning and organizing casual and fun fundraising events? We could use your help!

Get in Touch Let's Work Together

Is there another way you'd like to get involved with Seattle Homeless Outreach for Seattle or Tacoma? Get in touch and let us know how you'd like to help out.


SHO sponsors help us provide sandwiches, healthy snacks, coats, and more.

Outreach Sponsorship Make Sandwiches or Healthy Snack Packs

For each outreach SHO does, we have a fantastic group of sponsors provide pre-made sandwiches or snack packs. This activity is perfect for school kids, scout troops, youth groups, and corporate giving campaigns.

Donation Drives Host a Donation Drive

Each year, people across our community host donation drives to benefit SHO clients: coats, backpacks, socks, hygiene supplies, flashlights and batteries, blankets, and outdoor gear are all great options.

Supply Requests Help Fulfill a Special Request

Our clients sometimes have needs that we can’t meet without a little help. If you’re interested in sponsoring special requests, we can connect specific requests with you.

Partner with us

We partner with people and organizations throughout the Seattle area.

Better Together Help Us Reach More People in Need

We partner with organizations with similar missions to make a bigger impact. SHO works with Operation Nightwatch, Peoples Harm Reduction Alliance, and Real Change’s community resource guides to connect people with the services they need.

Pet Services Help Our Furry Friends

We all love our pets, but those without shelter often have an even tighter bond with their animals. SHO has supportive partnerships from the Humane Society Pet Food Bank and local veterinary services to make sure our clients and their furry family members stay safe and healthy.

Partnership Opportunities Let’s Join Forces

Other ways to help? We have wonderful support from sponsors like KIND bars, Stevens Pass, and Die Cut Stickers, who each sponsor an annual coat drive--and also provide us with in-kind services and donations. Let us know if you want to help!

Make a donation to Seattle Homeless Outreach today!

Help us help our clients. 100% of your cash donations go directly to services and supplies.